plastids part of the cytoplasm

Plastids are the only organelles found in plantcells. There are three types of plastids, namely kromoplas, leukopas, and chloroplasts.
  1. Kromoplas, ie plastids containing colored pigments other than chlorophyll.
  2. Leukoplas, namely white plastids and serves to store starch, oil, and protein.
  3. Chloroplasts, ie plastids containing chlorophyll.

Chloroplasts and other plastids have a double membrane. Membrane in the surrounding matrix called the stroma. This membrane folded in pairs, called lamellae. Periodically, this lamella enlarged, forming a flattened bubble wrapped and called thylakoid membrane. These structures are arranged in a stack like coins. Thylakoid stacks called granum. In the unit there thylakoids photosynthetic pigments containing molecules such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotene, and xantofil.

Chemical analysis of the chloroplast consists of protein, phospholipids, green and yellow pigments, DNA, and RNA.

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