Chemical components of cells

Although most of protoplasm consists of water, but the material is structurally characterize proteins. Chemical constituent elements of protoplasm contained in the form of chemical compounds, both organic compounds and inorganic compounds. Protoplasm organic compounds in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and nucleic acids.
1.      Carbohydrates / carbohydrate

Carbohydrates are vital for physiological processes in living cells. Based on its functions divided into several groups, among others:
  • Carbohydrates long chain that is as energy reserves and structural components of organelles and other cell parts.
  • Simple carbohydrates as a source of energy in cells

Element carbohydrate itself consists of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. In plants, carbohydrates form by cells of green leaf through the process of photosynthesis. Carbohydrates are classified into monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.
2.      Protein

Proteins are very complex chemical compounds. In the living cell, the protein has two roles, namely as catalytic and mechanical. Catalytic role demonstrated by muscle protein. Proteins are polymers of amino acids.
Amino group of the amino acid causes alkaline, while the carboxyl group causes acidic amino acids, so amino acids are amphoteric.
Based on their chemical composition, proteins are classified into two, namely simple proteins and protein combined.
3.      fats / lipids

Fat built by glycerol and fatty acids. Fats have properties not dissolve in water, but soluble in solvents organic, such as ether, chloroform, and alcohol. In the living cells, fat serves, among others, as a component of the plasma membrane, hormones, and vitamins.
In the cells of living things, the fat contained in the simple form of fat, fat joint, or a derivative of fat.
4.      Nucleic Acid

Nucleic acid is the core material of the cell. There are two kinds of nucleic acids, namely acid ribose and deoxyribose acid. Nucleic acid function is to control the activity of cells and carry genetic information.
Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides. Nucleotide hydrolysis will produce:
  • Phosphate
  • pentose sugar
  • Bases nitrogen

Nitrogen base consisting of pirin and pyrimidine. Purine bases adenine and guanine consist of, whereas the pyrimidine bases thymine consists of, cytosine (in DNA), and uracil (in RNA).

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